Thursday, June 21, 2007

Any good intern should blog, right?

Since my other blog is more interested in New Testament interpretation, Christian Origins, and the road to academia in general, I didn't think it would be the best outlet for my thoughts on my Summer internship with Bread for the World (or as the insiders say, "Bread"). And it's just plain common sense that I should blog about my internship experience. Learning opportunity + 20-something with wireless = blog posts. Well, at least that's the way it works for me.

One initial question that you may have: What is Bread? In their own words:

Bread for the World is a nationwide Christian movement that seeks justice for the world's hungry people by lobbying our nation's decision makers.
They also have the Bread for the World Institute, which has the same goal, but a different means: the Institute seeks justice for hungry people "by engaging in research and education on policies related to hunger and development." The website would, of course, answer plenty of the questions you may have about the organization. Additionally, the website offers tons of information about how to be active.

Follow-up question: What will be blogged here? You can expect to see my thoughts on hunger in the Bible, how to communicate to Christians about hunger, learning about public policy and lobbying, and other such uplifting and inspirational thoughts [tongue residing in cheek]. I hope to tackle these things with at least a modicum of levity [do I get points for using GRE words?], since the topic carries enough seriousness of its own. Oh, and if I catch David Gist, California Organizer for Bread and my internship supervisor, having too much fun on the job, I'll be sure to blow the whistle on him.

By the by, I also intend to share links that I think are relevant and/or interesting and/or generally entertaining to the right. I'll do this as I come by them. I'm still learning things, so I may put something up there that is really bad. For example, I may link to a site that, at first glance appears to be the online presence of the House Committee on Agriculture, but is actually an organization against fluffy bunny rabbits. This will be remedied as soon as Dorothy finds me a brain. . . . any day now.

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